Lawyers of Distinction is constantly trying to help their members distinguish themselves in a highly competitive social media legal landscape.
- After becoming accepted for membership with Lawyers of Distinction, each member receives a Membership Welcome Announcement on Lawyers of Distinction Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn social media pages.
- These Membership Welcome Announcements are posted on each social media page, the Lawyers of Distinction membership team then sends out a detailed email explaining the steps needed to be taken to “like and share” these posts on your personal and law firm’s social media channels.
- The results of these Membership Welcome Announcements have been outstanding as many of Lawyers of Distinction members choose to share this with their facebook network including their family, friends, and colleagues. As a result, these announcements are seen, liked, and even commented on by thousands and thousands of people.
In addition to the Membership Welcome Announcements, The Lawyers of Distinction social media pages also contain an array of helpful links and posts related to the legal community. These social media pages are constantly receiving more and more followers and likes, thus increasing our members visibility online.
Further, Lawyers of Distinction recently launched the “Private Members Only Facebook Group.” After being accepted for membership with Lawyers of Distinction, all tiers of membership are given access to join our “Private Members Only Facebook Group.” This group introduces our members weekly by inviting them to share with the rest of the group their location and area of practice. By joining the Facebook Group, members are able to network, seek referrals and co-counsel, and share ideas and strategies. The Facebook Group has also been very helpful with members in obtaining new case leads. Lawyers of Distinction is constantly trying to enhance the Private Facebook Group experience for its members and has been receiving outstanding feedback since its inception. If you have not already joined the Private Facebook Group, it is highly recommended to fully enhance the membership experience.