It is our pleasure to feature Mr. Robert Shapiro, Esq. and his illustrious career.
By way of background, Mr. Shapiro was born and grew up in Plainfield, New Jersey. He received his undergraduate degree from The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1965 and then went on to receive his law degree from the Loyola Law School in 1968. Following law school, Mr. Shapiro was admitted to the California State Bar in 1969. After being admitted to the Bar, Mr. Shapiro began to work for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. He then went on to open his own law practice in 1972. Shapiro’s first high profile case came in 1974, when he defended former porn star Linda Lovelace from cocaine, amphetamine, and other drug related charges.
Many of us know Mr. Shapiro for his work with the “ Legal Dream Team,” which helped successfully defend O.J. Simpson from the murder charges of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Mr. Shapiro has represented companies like Rockstar Energy Drink, Diamond Resorts International, and Wynn Resorts Ltd. He also represented celebrties such as Christian Brando, Daryl Strawberry, Johnny Carson, Jose Conseco, and the Kardashian’s. Following the conclusion of the O.J. Simpson case, Mr. Shapiro turned his practice away from criminal defense and began to focus primarily on civil litigation. Currently, he is a partner as Glaser, Weil, Fink, Howard, Avchen, and Shapiro, LLP.
In addition to his stellar legal career, Mr. Robert Shapiro has helped start two companies: LegalZoom, which assists the public draft legal documents without the help of lawyers, and Shoedazzle, an online fashion subscription which debuts different shoes, jewelry, and handbags every month. He also authored two books: The Search for Justice and Misconception. Further, Mr. Shapiro started the charitable foundation, The Brent Shapiro Foundation, which raises awareness for drug and alcohol addiction.
Lawyers of Distinction is proud to recognize Mr. Robert Shapiro, Esq. as one of our premier members and thank him for his contributions to American jurisprudence.