Numerous individuals still remember the television show titled Mad Men which ran from 2007 until 2015. The program starred Jon Hamm, took place during the 1960s and was about an advertising firm. The show was a presentation of the social normalities of the era such as sexual harassment and social drinking not far from binging. The characters in the show had to show the world a perfect facade. This was simply the way the world used to be. In certain ways, the world has not changed. A lot of what was perceived as normal in the past has remained the same in the modern world.

Politics aside, attorneys are considered a conservative group in relation to manners. They do not have any immunity regarding social norms. This is especially true in the way lawyers present themselves to the world. Attorneys fix things that have been messed up by the actions of other people. To obtain new clients, attorneys hold themselves to an extremely high standard. They always manage to perfectly finish an opinion, defend their next client, bill more hours and bring the next charge. The truth of the situation is lawyers are not perfect.

The desire of attorneys to attain perfection impacts their wellness. This can result in anxiety, grief, substance abuse disorders and depression. According to research, attorneys have double the risk of having problems relating to alcohol than surgeons. Additional research has shown one out of every five lawyers will have an issue involving alcohol. Of the lawyers asked, 61 percent said they had been concerned about anxiety during the course of their careers. Another 46 percent said their concerns were regarding depression.

Due to this type of information, the legal sector has taken a step forward and made their watchword well-being or wellness. Once this information became available, wellness is actively being pursued by the local bar associations in support of their members. The individuals leading these groups are passionately pursuing their desire to offer resources, support and protection for their members. They are taking the steps necessary to get past the stigma to keep not only their members healthy but their families as well.

Different parts of the country have made wellness an integral part of their local bar association. Messages of wellness have become a part of all their activities. This includes social activities including information regarding the (JLAP) Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program and annual activities created to be family-oriented. The bar associations want their attorneys to be both well rounded as individuals and healthy. One of the local bar associations talked at length regarding the knowledge that a healthy attorney is happier. This enables them to represent their clients better.

One association is providing its members with a day where free health screenings are available. The attorneys are receiving encouragement to have preventative screenings. JLAP has been making chiropractic assessments, demonstrations for healthy cooking, meditation classes, yoga demonstrations and chair massages available for several years. They are trying to expand their offerings for wellness to include using therapy animals and running and walking events. One of the bar associations talked about the ways they present initiatives for wellness throughout their current communities.

One of the programs available is a presentation regarding stress for female attorneys. Another program for lawyers of retirement age is being considered. The most important offering is an open door policy. This encourages all of the members to have a confidential conversation. Members are being encouraged to attend the meditation sessions, run and walk events and yoga. The number of members originally starting all of these wellness programs has substantially increased. The programs were established to offer help to everyone in the legal field such as paralegals, lawyers and judges.

The programs were designed to offer assistance to anyone experiencing a personal crisis. A yearly memorial has been created to honor the legal professionals who have passed away. In addition to the wellness programs, presentations are being conducted for the less typical subjects of hidden discrimination and diversity. The idea is to show they are dedicated to offering wellness for every part of a legal professional’s life. The committees are offering everything from riding to walking. Stress is being placed on lawyers making wellness a part of their lives by making an affirmative decision.

The passionate belief is attorneys are able to learn how to do anything so they can learn how to become well. The local bar groups have come to the realization that they have an impact on members of the legal sector making wellness an important aspect of their lives. The stress is being placed on the fact that nobody is alone. No matter what has caused the stress, there is always someone for them to talk to. This is most often locally.

Instead of hiding their pain or accepting harassment or issues with alcohol, the bar associations are offering both support and acceptance. Just because an attorney is a fixer does not mean they are perfect.


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